Alexandra Ochoa User Liar Abandon Specialist Master Of Sexual Manipulation

Alexandra Ochoa

Alexandra Ochoa User, Liar, Abandon Specialist, Master Of Sexual Manipulation. This PUBLIC NOTE IS BEING POSTED in order to provide fair warning to anyone who comes into contact with Alexandra Ochoa. It is based on her ruthless actions, emotional instability and dangerous actions as well as her lies. These living truths and assessments were provided by someone who was very close to Alexandra Ochoa. He is too kind, caring, and compassionate towards her despite the damage she has done. He has been hurt by his actions and those of his immediate and extended family members. This woman cannot be allowed to hurt others like she does. I want people to see the kind of woman she is. She will go to great lengths to hurt people financially, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Alexandra Ochoa is a Vixen, Womanipulator, Liar, Con Artist, Lifewrecker, Legal Sex Obsessed Woman who lives in Calgary, but is originally from Colombia. Her two amazing sons have to learn from her erratic mental and emotional state. She reacts to and makes emotional decisions 90% of the times, which can lead to significant drama. When she is not running on emotions, she is calculated with the remaining 10%. She reacts seriously based on everyday decisions and minor disputes. This is where you discover her true character. She always makes the decision for herself, rather than respecting or understanding others. She reacts to emotions and talks before her thoughts which leads to destruction, hatred and bitterness. Her actions also cause mass amounts of people to get hurt, which is something she does with no regard for her boys. After her divorce, she abandoned her boys and received $30,000 in alimony. She then decided to move back to Colombia with her ex-husband to start a new life and pursue a man. She is not a believer in selflessness and practices selfishness. She doesn’t speak up about her past, even though it is a collection of similar patterns that all lead to the same outcome: destruction of lives and the end of other people’s lives. She uses SEX to communicate with your emotions, feelings and spirituality. This woman is not for everyone. She will make you feel like a Sheep, but it will soon turn into a Wolf. That’s when you get emotionally involved. To hide her involvement with other men and her lies, she had abortions. To escape from the men she had abandoned and disowned, she has moved to other countries. Without any trace of being able get hold of her again, She has a large number of men in her life, and she is not without one man, even if it’s just for sex. If she doesn’t get her way, she will cut off communication with you. Do not pressure her into sex if it’s just a sex relationship. She will block, forget and disown you in a matter of seconds. She had sex with men and women 10 years older than her husband. The man was then moved into the house, which was paid for by her husband. He was still living in a trailer and was only looking at the situation from a distance. You will be asked to help her and will continue to ask for your assistance. She will blame and hold you responsible for all that can go wrong. She will never accept responsibility for the consequences of her actions and decisions. All of this will lead to major conflicts which she will not discuss or take responsibility for. She believes in a form or Sorcery where she tries to impose spiritual curses on others and is not ashamed of this. Her constant lies grow and involve all her family members, including her step-dad, mom, and siblings. She could tell a lie starting with something she wants the opposite effect from. But if the reverse effect doesn’t occur and the lie goes on, she will continue to believe it because those close to her have believed her since the beginning. Instead of being honest and accountable, she will live the lie and make it her own. She is not capable of facing the past, but she will continue to blame others, tell lies and make things worse. One example is when she lied about her ex husband not picking up her boys during a week she had them. She cancelled the trip at the last moment because she was too stressed and didn’t feel capable of handling this week of care and work. Although she had the support of the man she was seeing, and his family, she decided to cancel her boys’ arrival at the last minute. She lied and claimed that her mom had Covid. After cancelling, she made the decision to make the change on her own. She then spoke to the man in her life who had made plans to care for the boys the week before and explained that she had cancelled with her Ex. He said that she had to take responsibility and care for the boys and that he would not be able to fit it into his schedule. The lie came to an end the following week, when she went to pick up her boys. However, her Ex had informed her the week before that he had plans for her and the boys the next weekend. She then went back to the man she was seeing to explain that her ex had not helped her the week before and that it was her fault she didn’t have her boys the next weekend. This lie continues to evolve as we speak. The Relationship Pattern begins with her telling you every week that she loves and cherishes you. You are now on the right track to meet your family and children at 4 weeks. You can expect more pressure at 6 weeks to make the relationship progress faster. If you don’t comply, she will talk for days or even a week to get her way. She will propose to you and marry you at 8 weeks. This is a trap. She prides herself in her control and will play all of this as a game. There is a way out of her madness. She pushes for a relationship, to get pregnant with her child, because she believes that it will help her win custody of the boys who are currently living with her ex husband. Her Ex has been a selfless caregiver for the boys her entire life and she has had full custody of them for the past 3 years without any involvement from her. She believes the court will ask her to move her boys with her, so the New Baby can grow up with his siblings. She is actually seeking money from her ex in order to care for the boys. However, the boys live in a wonderful place with their father in another city. To keep you interested, she uses full and partial nude photos. Then, she converts to more serious methods to manipulate you thru sex. You will never forget her because of the constant sexy and nude photos that she sends on a daily basis. Be careful: She will only involve police if she feels it is in her favour. If that fails, she will come up with another angle or strategy to fight for you through the courts. She will not let you have fun or sex with anyone else. Love is just having fun with your emotions. This is not a long road because of her emotional state. She will find an excuse to break your heart and tear it apart with no remorse or closure. This woman has been involved in so many affairs that she has men lined up in many places. If you believe you are the only one, you should shake your head. She dwells on the attention she gets from men from past relationships and those she communicates with regularly. This will continue throughout your relationship. Although she will tell you that her guy friends are numerous, I assure you that a friend of a man is only a potential friend. She is so focused on a relationship that it becomes a marriage, she neglects her children and sees them as just another pawn in her life. This is what a loving, caring, and selfless mother does. They don’t. Only selfish women can do this. After seeing her boys on the weekend, she will not communicate with them for 5-8 days. This is not a mother who is concerned and cares about her boys. The important topic of pregnancy was discussed when she was sitting down with the man she was seeing. She revealed to the man’s children for the first time that she thought she was pregnant with his child. Who tells the person they are in love and are having a child with that they’re pregnant in front his children? She is self-centered and selfish. She will keep everything you tell her confidential and personal. This is another way that she can use to destroy you. She will make use of the information she demands if you refuse to comply. She will quickly let you know that she is moving on to another person and that she has stabbed your back in the back. However, the back stab will be precise as she uses a long knife that cuts through your heart simultaneously. UNDERSTAND that she is intelligent and well-prepared with her actions. She plans to hurt as many people as possible. It is a terrible idea to share personal and private information that could cause you pain for many years. This is her ultimate goal. She wants to destroy you physically, mentally, and financially. If that means taking you to the edge of existence, it will make you feel like you’re about to commit suicide. It is sad when someone pushes you to the point where you feel like you have to take your own life. But, if she succeeds, this would be her greatest victory. If she doesn’t have you, or if there are questions she doesn’t want to address, she will try to destroy your relationship with her and make sure you never have another person. She also revealed that she wouldn’t be fighting her ex husband in court based on their custody battle. For a small amount of money she would have killed him to save her time and frustration. Another note on her thought processes. She will share with you her dreams she believes are from GOD and how she plans to live her life. Be savvy when she talks about her dreams. She is simply predicting her next moves and you should take her words seriously. She always makes it a point to make these dreams come true. Alexandra Ochoa is an EVIL and DEVIL in sheep’s clothing. It is not surprising that she will try to get involved with the police, courts, and lawyers following this posting. She may also attempt to harm more people mentally and emotionally, financially, and spiritually. She once stated, “In all cases the truth will come out.” Here is the truth. All you have to do is believe that truth will set all free.

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