Gesica red flag in Oregon

Gesica red flag

Gesica red flag in Oregon. Gesica – 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Stay clear of this woman by all means

I am filing for an order of protection. She stalked my friend and admitted to me she meets men and gets to know them just so she can wreck them, while laughing about. Told everyone on his friends list he was a rapist and child abuser and drug addict. None of which is true. She called his work asking for his time sheets. Saying she was his wife and thought he was cheating. Thank god his employer did not comply. She did it because they had sex a few times and he told her he wasn’t want a relationship just yet he wanted more time to get to know her. So she decided that was appropriate. I know he’s filled out the paperwork for a protection order as well as a few other of my friends because she consistently harasses us for information. He is also gathering money to retain the lawyer for defamation of character.

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