Jalen K. Swindler – male hooker

Jalen K. Swindler

Jalen K. Swindler – male hooker. Jalen is a swindler who will steal and lie for any type of money flow. Has worked numerous scams around Las Vegas for quick cash. Steals from friends and co-workers. Also willing to sell himself for any type of cash and food. Buyer bewarer. Steals from friends and co-workers, is a parasite to society. Willing to sell himself for any type of cash and food. Pretends to be in the music industry to make cash money off people he befriends in the art community. Buyer beware, a parasite willing to steal, lie and throw anyone to his pimps to make money. Associated with human trafficking, should be in prison for the crimes he is committing in Las Vegas. A total low life, men and women please be aware this parasite is on the look out for new victims.

Mike: It’s a good career in Vegas

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