Kateland Bancroft homewrecker in Azle Texas

Kateland Bancroft

Kateland Bancroft homewrecker in Azle Texas. This is Kateland Bancroft, but she also goes by Katie Rose. She is 24, she is an Asst. Manager at Dominos in Azle, Texas and she is trash. My husband who is in the 2 pictures of her sitting next to him met her while he was working as a driver at Dominos, he is 45. We have been together for almost 25 years, and married almost 19. We have had our ups and downs and I know he is the main one at fault, but she knew he was married and even met me once, but still pursued him. She smokes pot and drinks and is more fun to be around apparently. But I am the one who takes care of our kids, the house, the majority of the bills, and also deals with his issues like alcoholism. The other guy in the last three pics are her boyfriend and father of her 2 kids, Nathan Moore. My husband claims they haven’t slept together, but I don’t really believe it, because of the messages I found and the nude pics he has of her in his phone. The pics of the texts are just a few. The pic of him kissing her I found on his phone back in October. He stated when he was drunk and there were other people there blah blah blah. Of course he was more upset I got into his phone go figure. Anyways a few months go by and he gets another job, but still in the same area. He said he had no contact with her and it seemed like he didn’t. Well this past weekend he drank at home and passed out with his phone still open. Wasn’t going to look at it, but did. That’s when I found pictures, text messages, and he even added her on Facebook and had been messaging her. The 2nd pic I posted of her is actually cropped. The real picture had her nasty pancake titty showing. Not sure why he wants to look at that when he has DDDs here. Then there was a full body pic of her naked. It’s gross because we have a son who is only 3 months younger than her.

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