Marcos Talancon — Aka Sonny Women Beater Cheating A55 Narcissist

Marcos Talancon

Marcos Talancon — Aka Sonny Women Beater Cheating A55 Narcissist. This man clams that he loves his children however aint doing shit to get them again. Hes a dishonest a55 liar that may make you imagine he cares and loves you however then turns round and runs again to a unique lady. He beats his ladies and makes them really feel like they’re nothing and nugatory that manner it doesn’t matter what he does he is aware of that girls will at all times be there. Ladies keep far far distant from this man and his little aspect kick girlfriend Antoinette Vitone aka Sissy. Each are essentially the most nastiest disgusting fowl individuals to stroll this earth they shouldn’t be allowed to breath the air we breath. Wake the fuk up keep off the medication and get your fuking children again. Wait to late would possibly as properly kiss them goodbye owait u wouldnt even kiss them. Thats how low and disgusting they’re.

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