Paul Mitchell Dirty Scum Bag Who Won’t Even Help With His Kids. Paul Mitchell is among the largest losers you’ll ever met… the man left his first child mama and his sons so he might stick needles in his arms together with his disgusting manly wanting floozy girlfriend… his junkie gf was jelouse and didn’t need him going over to his child’s mama’s so he utterly fuked off on them not even a telephone name… even when he KNEW his youngsters wanted meals he wouldn’t surrender a cent and even purchase stuff on the retailer for them as a substitute each cent went on medication. Then years down the highway he will get his gf knocked up they’ve a son and of coarse neither of them do something to raised themselfs so after probability after probability the infant ends again in foster care and as soon as once more he does fuk all for that child both. Truthfully what kinda man doesn’t care for his personal youngsters! the man walks round pondering he’s some laborious core gangster he even shaves these fuking ridiculous slits into his eyebrows and beard lol come on who does that beside 15 yr previous wannabe thugs! He’s seems to be and attire like a bum the man is barely in his 30s and has these bizarre wanting pretend enamel he takes out and in of his mouth all his actual enamel rotted away from smoking Crack and never brushing his enamel so disgusting. He even let’s his gf have full blown relationships with different males who she’s going to fuk after which come house and fuk him not even showering in between. There was instances when his gf can be fucking some previous males for cash and he would disguise within the closet watching till she was carried out hahaha Paul is a fuking waste of area who won’t ever get a job who won’t ever man up and care for his responsibilitys. His older sons used to cry once they the place youthful as a result of they didn’t perceive however now they’re older and haven’t any drawback saying they hate their very own father. And his youngest who nonetheless is to.younger to actually get it he received’t even go to arrange vistion him and his gf needed to take an image of an precise image they received from the folks taking good care of him and posted it on Fb with this lengthy submit with it however how fuking unhappy is that you could’t even submit your individual footage of your child and you need to take an image of an image an image the household was good sufficient to present them even tho he doesn’t deserve it…. Paul is also a cop caller he has had a pair folks I do know arrested as a result of they trusted him and Paul turns round and calls the cops telling them about what they the place as much as so he might get a couple of dollars put into his pocket… just a few years in the past him and Marissa advised everybody they the place going to this detoxs hours away however the fact was they had been working with the cops and needed to be out of town till sure folks the place arrested and as quickly as they the place him and Marissa the place again within the metropolis. Goofy fuking rats. This man is a lifeless beat and has wasted his life being a junkie and making an attempt to be somebody he by no means might be as a result of nobody like his loser a55. Keep away from him if he might let his personal youngsters go hungry he positive as fuk wouldn’t care about scewing you over!

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