Phil Carriere Bucket Wannabe Biker

Phil Carriere

Phil Carriere Bucket Wannabe Biker. Yooo this man is Hamilton’s largest joke and is a straight pathological liar.. each phrase that comes outta his mouth is a lie. Man says he runs weapons however has no weapons, says he’s a biker however has no bike 😂 He thinks he’s a drug vendor however provides all his luggage to a budget Barton avenue floozys that he’s fuking.. the soiled fuck obtained the clap from his previous slore hag Belinda and received’t go to the medical doctors to get checked so they only spreadin it throughout Hamilton like the 2 soiled fuks they’re. This bucket says he has like 10000 child mothers and the children aren’t even his as a result of his f@ggot a55 can’t even have infants. He’s the most important joke recognized be careful women he’ll make you assume he’s this huge shot gangster however actually he’s only a washed up DRD infested loser

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