Stalker Taylor Sheltor Strikes Again ….

Stalker Taylor

Stalker Taylor Sheltor Strikes Again ….. Nic, this LOSER FREAK TR@NNY x TAYLOR is again at it once more Taylor says shes trash – she listens to Tekashi B1tch! you misplaced me yeah X Taylor Shelton ugly a55 -h0 wishy washy. She thinks machine washed lingerie make her clear unfastened STINKY pu55ay- she again once more USING! Swear to God man- shes been tossed in everyones mattress and shes given each spouse on right here husband’s FREE HEAD. Final thing we want DOGG is ….shelton doggin us you seem like a God rattling ugly a55 DOG to us so far as squashin beef – you bought some fairly large tooth !! for sittin on-line all day speaking sh1t like a -loser-freak!! soo preserve hiding your face – until we see you within the streets karma is coming for you earlier than we are able to communicate Now lets do a Re-Cap- lets have the final chortle ! you wantin to go the buck – however you barely can fuk / horseface you’ll go on- lika a sl00t sl00ts by no means die- simply wishin they might cease stalking all of us like parasite FLY cease taking selfies of your sh1t condominium and throw away all of your junk together with your self simply go straight to the trash bin taylor is rubbish and hated regardless simply A -has been higher off bein a person than -with that large nostril may as nicely flip Tr@n fuk it shes already a person. Taylor cyber bullied Lacy, Krista, Melissa, Leah, and Janelle. Then Taylor went on to assault Tanya, Kristie, Kelly, Paige, Tina, Courtney, and Rachelle. Time to pay for what you achieved! What goes round comes round ! Rott in Hell and ceaselessly you’ll burn within the hell fireplace for the crimes you dedicated and horrible stuff you did to everybody. Your passing will carry honor to the victims lives you attacked non cease!

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