Dirty Dirty Logan Côté

Logan Côté

Dirty Dirty Logan Côté.That is the most important goof you’ll ever meet in Abby he’s nearly 30 he’ll manipulate you until he believes his personal lies  he has by no means went to the fitness center a day in his life if he glt beat up his legs would simply snap he treats his personal mom and BM like a doormat he bangs at the very least 3 chicks per week even brings them over to drink and do pepsi in his mothers basement whereas his 4 12 months previous son sleeping within the subsequent bed room he’ll do something to destroy your weekend and life when you do him fallacious or dont hangout with him when he desires you to he has each psychological dysfunction of mankind and he wont ever go to the physician to get assist he preys on girls a lot youthful than he’s when you date him he’ll scream at you even within the quick meals drive via’s thats how psychotic this man is he’s so fuking selfishly immodest too he solely hears what his mind desires to listen to. He dated a younger woman and wont cease harrassing and stalking her buddy wants assist.

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