Sharron Taiclet Fisher — Pyscopath Freaks Of Newton Kansas

Sharron Taiclet

Sharron Taiclet Fisher — Pyscopath Freaks Of Newton Kansas. These fuking entitled morons suppose the world revolves round them and nobody else! this loopy b1tch is such a washed up outdated loser that she must hack my cellphone and peep on underage children and me!!! drives two hours from newton to the city im in simply to stalk my home ! lmao dumb b1tch actually hates memes ! she is a karen and a bully from hell , whines like a child about memes that clearly are true! this cvnt offers medication and fuks bums round wichita lol! she retains prank calling my buddy and that i lmao how determined are you sharron! her buddies ARE gutter trash as properly who by the look of their profile are trailer trash cvnts like her who bully individuals however cant take the warmth! somebody must take away her fuking child trigger she is a sh1t for a mom because it appears.

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