Stacy Fiddler — Stay Away From This Guy!!!

Stacy Fiddler

Stacy Fiddler — Stay Away From This Guy!!!. Stacy is the most important piece of scvm I’ve ever come to know. He’s a pathological liar to the purpose the place he believes his personal lies. Principally all the things he tells you is a LIE. He’s tremendous manipulative and makes use of his appeal to make you suppose in any other case. He has two youngsters with two totally different child mommas and doesn’t pay for sh1t for both. He acts like dad however does fuk all for his youngsters. In actual fact he pretends just like the second child isn’t even his to keep away from the accountability, disgusting. He’s the most important dishonest scvm bag, he has cheated on EVERY woman he’s ever dated and can accuse you of it or let you know his handed lovers cheated as an alternative to cowl up his lies and make himself appear to be a sufferer. He’s mentally and bodily abusive. He’ll let you know he’s received a number of cash however he’s deep within the gap with debt and can most likely ask you to pay for plenty of sh1t. He’ll let you know all his ex girlfriends had been loopy however he’s completely loopy and mentally unstable and makes use of that to cowl it up. When you notice who he’s he’ll stalk you and make your life hell. He has stalked his ex girlfriends to the purpose of them having to instal cameras on their houses and having to contact police to cease the abuse from him. He’s harmful to girls and he’s a horrible particular person who will fuk something with a vagina to feed his ego. He’s a controlling narcissist who’s pure evil. He may have you pondering you discovered Prince Charming earlier than he fuks up your complete life. Keep away!

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